Monday, September 14, 2009

My tree...

I've been trying to find something to hang on the massive wall in our living room for almost a year now...can't believe that we've been here a year already. Anyway...I couldn't find artwork that I liked AND could afford and my plan to buy bookshelves went out the window when we bought new furniture and I realized they would not fit.

I came up with the idea of the tree a couple of months was a random idea that I sketched on the back of a paper placemat one night at dinner. Overall, it came out like I had imagined. As is always the case with the first of something, I made a few mistakes that had to be corrected and to do it again would be a lot easier and faster with the lessons learned. I'm not sure it will remain on our living room wall forever but for now it fills the large expanse of taupe wall with something I enjoy looking at and my husband can tolerate.

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